This article outlines how to set up an A la Carte membership.
Using our gym metaphor, this means that you will gate only specific exercise classes inside the gym (i.e. access to Spaces inside your Mighty Network). People can enter the gym for free and then decide which class (or bundle of classes) to join.
This model has some benefits and things to be aware of as your Mighty Network grows.
You can create a single plan that can be purchased by both incoming and existing members.
You may get a higher number of people joining your overall Mighty Network, which creates people magic as they explore and connect with other members.
Members who have already upgraded to access gated Spaces can act as informal ambassadors, encouraging others to upgrade as they interact in non-gated areas of your Mighty Network.
Keep in Mind:
Depending on which privacy setting you choose, you may end up with people in your community who aren’t a perfect fit.
One way to prevent this is to create a plan without a payment gate for your Network, then toggle on Screening Questions and/or Approvals.
Now that we’ve covered the basics of the A la Carte Membership, let’s create your plan!
Creating Your Plan
Before you create your first plan, if want to add a payment gate to your plan (i.e. charge for access), connect your Stripe account to your Mighty Network.
Once it’s connected, click on your profile picture in the top right corner > Admin > Plans > Plan List.
Then use the + button in the upper right corner to create a new plan.
Toggle your Network to be “Excluded” in the plan.
Since you are gating only Spaces inside of your Network these plans will not appear on your Network landing page. This is called an Internal plan and can be accessed by any member.
You can charge for a single Space or as many as you want by creating a bundle of Spaces.
Fill in the Details
In this section, you will add:
Plan Name
Fill in the Name for the plan in this first field. You can also add an Internal Note that will only be visible to Network Hosts.
Landing Space
This will be the first Space that members coming in on this plan will land on.
Image or Video
This will be visible at the top of your plan page.
Sales pitch
This is a short tagline that appears alongside the plan name to explain why people should buy this plan. It is limited to 120 characters.
Benefits List
This list highlights the benefits your members receive when they purchase this plan. We recommend adding at least three.
Add your own description or it will be automatically populated by the Network description.
Screening Questions and Approvals
You can add questions or require approval before members see an option to pay.
Since these are two separate toggles, you can create a number of combinations:
Screening Questions only: Once the member answers the questions, they can purchase.
Approval only: The member needs approval from a Network Host or moderator to purchase.
Screening Questions and Approval: The member needs to answer the questions and be approved in order to purchase.
You can create up to five custom questions for potential members to answer before they are allowed to purchase. For more information on Screening Questions and Approvals, check out this article.
Toggle on this feature to charge for access.
Web 3 Token-Gating
Alternatively, you can also gate access to your Spaces by validating ownership of a specified token (along with the amount) through a connected crypto wallet. For more information on how to set up Token-Gated plans, check out this article.
Next, decide how you want to charge.
Pricing Type
There are three types of pricing options you can set up:
One-Time Payment: A member pays only once to gain access to what’s included in this plan. They'll continue to have access as long as they have an active membership in your Mighty Network. The minimum amount you must charge is $0.50.
Subscription: You have the option to offer members a monthly subscription, an annual subscription, or both. Members retain access to what’s included in this plan as long as they continue paying for the subscription. When you offer both a monthly and annual subscription, we recommend giving members a small discount for choosing the annual option, and the savings will be clearly shown.
Select the platforms where this plan will be available.
You have the option to make your plan available on:
Web, Android, and iOS
Web and Android
On Web
When you opt for your plan to be available on web, you have the flexibility to charge up to $10,000 USD.
If you want to charge over $10,000 on Web, or over $999 on iOS, you can process payments off-platform.
If you’ve chosen to sell plans in multiple currencies you’ll need to add a price for each currency available in your network.
On iOS
When setting your price, you'll choose from a list of pre-set prices that end in $0.99 and max out at $999.
For your plan to be sold as an iOS in-app purchase within the Mighty Networks iOS app, Apple has additional fees associated with all purchases, and you may want to take this into consideration when you price your iOS plan. Apple also has a separate review process. Once your plan is approved by Apple, you will receive an email notification. Though Apple approval timelines vary widely, your plans made through the Mighty Networks iOS app, all payments are processed using Apple In-App Purchases and these are managed via the App Store. When a member buys through iOS, Apple’s standard policy requires that they take a 15% transaction fee per each transaction. Mighty Networks does not charge a transaction fee for any iOS purchases. Also keep in mind that when you create a new plan and set up pricing for that plan, you always have the option to increase the price only on iOS, as a way to offset Apple's required fees.
Important Note: Apple will automatically convert the currency depending on the user's location.
On Android
When you choose to sell paid plans on the web, the Android app will display a message indicating that plans are available and can be purchased on the mobile browser or desktop web.
What members will see in the Android app:
Free Trial
You can also add a free trial lasting from 3 days up to one year. You can check out more details here.
Choose a Tax Category
This determines which type of taxes your members will be charged. Learn more about each option here. For Hosts in the EU, check out this article for further information about taxes.
Payouts, Taxes, and Currency
Mighty Networks handles all payouts from Apple and will transfer money to you monthly. Apple also handles all taxes and applicable currency conversions. To learn more, you can check out this article.
Once you've filled out the steps above, you'll see a preview of how your new plan will look to your members.
Finally, click the Create Plan button.
As soon as you create your new plan, it will immediately be approved to sell on the web. You can choose to keep this plan Hidden and only invite members to purchase via a Share Link on the web, or you can make it Visible so that anyone can purchase.
For your plan to be sold as an iOS in-app purchase within the Mighty Networks iOS app, Apple has a separate review process. Once your plan is approved by Apple, you will receive an email notification. While Apple approval timelines vary widely, you’ll be able to start selling on web.
To see more about how members purchase plans and how plans on iOS will appear to members before the plans are approved, check out this article.
How to Invite Members to Purchase Your Plan
Network Hosts can create Share Links for plans by going to > Admin > Plans > Plan List and select the plan you'd like to create a Share Link for.
Under the Share tab, click "Create a Link":
When you generate a Share Link for your internal plan, you’ll see two options: "Plan Landing Page Link" and "Advanced Options."
Plan Landing Page Link: Copy this link to share with members. It takes them to a page with more details about the Plan.
Advanced Options: These give you more control over where visitors go before checkout:
Redirect to Sign In: Sends visitors to the Sign In page first. If they’re already signed in, they’ll go straight to checkout.
Redirect to Create Account: Sends visitors to the Create Account page first. If they’re already signed in, they’ll go straight to checkout.
To send single-use links, click the "Invite Form" link at the bottom of the "Share" tab.
Note: Single-use invite links are unique, expire after one use, and cannot be copied or reused. Click here to learn more about Single-Use Invite Links.
To learn more about how to advertise your new plan, check out this article.