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How Can I Bundle Spaces and Memberships Together?
How Can I Bundle Spaces and Memberships Together?
Updated over 6 months ago

Our plans feature lets you charge for Spaces within your Mighty Network, access to your Mighty Network, or you can create a bundle plan.

How to Create a Bundle Plan

To create a bundle plan, click on your profile picture in the top right corner > Admin > plans > plan List > + icon.

It's important to note that if you want to sell a bundle to people who are not yet members of your Mighty Network, you'll need to include Network access in any External bundle plan, described below.

At this time, there is an upper limit of 100 Spaces you can add to any bundle plan.

On the Create a plan page, you'll be prompted to select what you want to sell.

You can sell two different types of bundles:

An External bundle plan includes Network Membership (access to your overall Mighty Network for a non-member) bundled together with access to one or more Spaces that exist within your Mighty Network.

Here is how you will set that up, with Network membership Included:

An Internal bundle plan grants access to two or more Spaces within your Mighty Network that you want to sell to existing members (anyone who already has a Network Membership).

Here is how you will set that up, with Network membership Excluded:

Once you've determined what you want to sell, you'll be prompted to create your plan and customize each element, from how much you want to charge to how you describe the plan to a new member.

For full details on how to create a plan, check out this article.

Connecting to Stripe

To make sure you get paid, we process all payments through Stripe, a secure third-party payment processor. You'll need to create a Stripe account for each Mighty Network you set up. Here's more information about how to connect Stripe to your Mighty Network.

Submit Your Bundle Plan

Once you've filled out the steps above, you'll see a preview of how your new plan will look to your members. Then, it's time to submit your new plan.

As soon as you submit your new plan, it will immediately be approved to sell on Web and be visible on our Mighty Networks Android app.

For your plan to be sold as an iOS in-app purchase within the Mighty Networks iOS app, Apple has a separate review process that typically takes 7-10 days. Once your plan is approved by Apple, you will receive an email notification. As Apple approval timelines vary widely, we encourage you to start selling on Web and Android as soon as you're ready!

To see more about how members purchase plans and what plans on iOS will look like before they are approved, check out this article.

Making a Plan Visible Once It Is Approved

By default, all new plans are marked as Hidden as soon as they are approved. Before your new plan can be available for purchase to members on the Web, iOS app, and Android app, you need to make it Visible.

To make a plan Visible, click on your profile picture in the top right corner > Admin > plans > plan List and click into the plan. In the top right corner, you can toggle it to Visible.

A Hidden plan is not available for anyone to purchase unless they have been invited to purchase it via a special Share Link.

A Visible plan is available for people to purchase. Non-members will be able to purchase plans that you create for External Audiences (meaning the plan includes a Network Membership) from your Mighty Network's landing page as soon as your plan is visible. This applies to internal plans as well. Once visible, all members of your Mighty Network can see and purchase this plan.

From there, you're all set! Your new plan is available for purchase and you can start charging for your Mighty Network.

Add or Remove Spaces from an Existing Bundle Plan

Here's one more nice feature of bundle plans. You can add or remove Spaces to any bundle plan after it's been approved and is live. You do not need to go through the approval process a second time.

This means that you can add new Spaces as a bonus to your flagship bundle plan and members of that plan will automatically get access to these new features.

To add or remove Spaces in a plan, click into the plan and select the three dot menu in the upper right corner. Click "Manage Spaces in plan" and you will be prompted to select other Spaces to add to it.

If you add or remove Spaces, Space access will be immediately granted or removed for plan members and the plan price will not change.

You can choose to customize the message plan members receive when Spaces are added or removed. For more information, check out this article.

If you add a Space to a plan that is Hidden, then you must create a share link (unless one has already been created) or make the plan Visible before the Space’s privacy can change to plan access.

To make a plan Visible, move the toggle in the upper right corner from Hidden to Visible.

When you do, you will see this pop up message:

You will select the option "Change to Plan Access".

How Your Bundle Plan Appears to Members

When a member goes to purchase your new bundle plan, they see a page with all the details about why they should purchase this plan. The Spaces in the bundle plan will appear alphabetically after the plan is created.

If you have bundled Spaces inside of a Collection, your members will see the plan at the top of the Collection page.

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