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All CollectionsFor HostsWhat Kind of Privacy Options Does Mighty Networks Have?
What are the Privacy Options I Have When I Set Up My Mighty Network?
What are the Privacy Options I Have When I Set Up My Mighty Network?
Updated over 5 months ago

Your Mighty Network has 4 main privacy options: public, private, secret, and plan access.

To change your privacy level, click on your profile picture in the top right corner > Admin > Setup > Privacy & Access.

A public Mighty Network is open for anyone to join and explore without a registered profile.

  • Anyone can find and see your Mighty Network, the members (including their profiles), and their posts.

  • Anyone can join your Mighty Network without approval from a Host.

  • All posts and comments within your Network can also be easily shared out via a link, and content will be visible to non-members.

  • Non-members will be prompted to join before they can take an action in your Mighty Network (add a post, comment on a post, RSVP to an event, etc.)

  • If you are on the Community Plan and up, search engines like Google will index your landing page and the content inside your Mighty Network, unless you choose to turn off search indexing.

  • If you choose to enable your Mighty Network's landing page, non-members and signed-out members will see two buttons prompting them to "Join" or "Explore" on the landing page.

  • You can create private or paid areas within your public Mighty Network by using our Spaces feature. That would be an example of a “freemium” membership, where you’d have a public, free Mighty Network and within it your members could purchase access to gated areas.

A private Mighty Network is restricted to only members who receive an invitation to join, either after requesting access or after being sent a direct invitation or share link from the community.

  • Anyone can find your Mighty Network. However, only invited members can see posts, activity, and other members.

  • If a link to a post or page within your Mighty Network is shared out publicly, only invited members will be able to see that link once they are signed in. Non-members and signed-out members will see your landing page.

  • On your Mighty Network's landing page, non-members and signed out members will see a button prompting them to "Request to Join." This will lead them to a form where they can request access to your Mighty Network. If you want to customize the "Request to Join" form with your own questions, just follow the instructions here.

  • There is a default approval flow and a default question "Why do you want to join this Network?" with this privacy option.

  • You can choose to restrict invitations so they only come from Hosts, or you can enable members of your private Mighty Network to also invite new members to join. When someone receives an invite, they automatically bypass the "Request to Join" form on your landing page.

  • If you would like them to not bypass the form, then you can set up Screening Questions and Approvals on a paid Mighty Network.

  • Search engines like Google will only index your landing page, not the content or member profiles inside your Mighty Network.

  • When a Member is removed from a Private Network, they must Request to Join again to rejoin the Mighty Network.

Important to note: If you invite a member to your Mighty Network using the Invite feature, it will bypass the approval process so your members will be able to join the network without needing to be approved. If you still want to approve your members you can share your Mighty Network's URL with them so they can request access and you can approve/decline them.

A secret Mighty Network is restricted to only members who receive an invitation to join.

  • Only invited members can find and log into your Mighty Network to see posts, activity, and other members.

  • Your Mighty Network is NOT discoverable by non-members, and it cannot be found within the Mighty Networks iOS and Android apps.

  • If a link to a post or page within your Mighty Network is shared out publicly, only invited members will be able to see that link once they are signed in. Non-members and signed-out members will see your landing page.

  • On your Mighty Network's landing page, non-members and signed-out members will only see a button prompting them to "Sign In."

  • Search engines like Google will not index your landing page.

  • When a Member is removed from a Secret Network, they need an invitation to rejoin the Mighty Network.


If your Mighty Network’s privacy is set to secret, it will not appear in search within our apps when you choose the option to "Find a Mighty Network."

Here are the steps for how you can find your secret Mighty Network in our apps:

  1. Download the Mighty Networks app on iOS or Android if you haven't already, or you can text yourself a link to the app from this page.

  2. Log into your Mighty Network on the web using your phone's browser.

  3. Once you're logged in on your phone's web browser, you'll see a prompt along the bottom to "View in App."

  4. Tap on that to find and log into your network within the Mighty Networks app.

From there, you'll be all set going forward! No need to log in again on the web.

If your Mighty Network is plan access, only members who have joined an External plan that includes Network Membership can access your community.

Plans are the most flexible way to give members access to your Mighty Network, Spaces, or both.

They can be used to charge for access, collect information from members at sign-up, screen members for access, or any combination of these. They can be open to anyone, or limited to specific groups of people.

  • Your Mighty Network will only become plan access once you create an External plan that includes Network Membership and makes that plan visible.

  • Members can only gain access by accessing a plan that includes Network Membership.

  • If a link to a post or page within your Mighty Network is shared out publicly, only members will be able to see that link once they are signed in. Non-members and signed-out members will see your landing page, with a button prompting them to "Choose a Plan."

  • Search engines like Google will only index your landing page, not the content or member profiles inside your Mighty Network.

To learn more about how to create and manage payment plans in your Mighty Network, go here.

If you would like to change network's your privacy settings, check out How Do I Change My Mighty Network From Plan Access to Public, Private, or Secret and Vice Versa?

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