All plans here at Mighty Networks have a dynamic and engaging feature called “People Explorer” that surfaces connections between members.
The People Explorer on the profile surfaces interactions and connections with other members in the same Mighty Network. It’s influenced by factors including who someone follows and who they’ve interacted with through cheers and comments on similar posts.
Global Members
In the Global Members feature, profiles are arranged in clusters:
Top Members
Members Near You
New Members
Scrolling over a profile will enlarge it and show a preview card with the person’s mini bio and a way to view their profile or chat. If chat is toggled off at the Network level, then it will just say “View Profile”.
Clicking on the profile will expand it even more to show what similarities you and the other member have. This will show if you have the feature “Show Similarities” toggled in Admin > Setup > Mighty Co-Host™ AI.
If you don’t have “Show Similarities” toggled on or all of the Mighty Co-Host™ features turned off, then it will just show the member’s mini bio.
From there you can either chat, or view their profile. If chat is toggled off at the Network level, then it will just say “View Profile”.
On a Member Profile
People Explorer will also appear on member profiles.
Scrolling over a profile will enlarge it and show the member’s mini bio. From there, you can select “Show Similarities” or “Chat”. If either of those features are toggled off, we will replace them with “View Profile”.
Note: The People Explorer feature will become visible on a new member's profile only after they have participated in the Network.
People Explorer in Spaces
On web, if you have the Member feature toggled on in a Space, then you will see a tab called “Explore”.
In this feature, profiles are arranged in clusters:
Top Members
Members Near You
New Members
Scrolling over a profile will enlarge it and show a preview card with the person’s mini bio and a way to view their profile or chat. If chat is toggled off at the Network level, then it will just say “View Profile”.
Clicking on the profile will expand it even more to show what similarities you and the other member have. This will show if you have the feature “Show Similarities” toggled in Admin > Setup > AI Features.
If you don’t have “Show Similarities” toggled on or all of AI features turned off, then it will just show the member’s mini bio.
From there you can either chat, or view their profile. If chat is toggled off at the Network level, then it will just say “View Profile”.
You can change the order of the "Explore" filter to be either first or last by toggling on or off "Show Explore Tab" in Space Settings > Space Features > Members.