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How Do I Set Up Plans and Charge on Mighty Networks?
How Do I Set Up Plans and Charge on Mighty Networks?
Updated over a week ago

Before you set up your first Plan, it’s important to figure out how you want to structure your Mighty Network.

Our Plans feature will allow you to charge for Network membership, access to Spaces inside of your Network or a combination of the two!

To figure out what you want to charge for, visit our article “How Should I Structure My Mighty Network?”

Create Your First Plan

To get started with Plans, click on your profile picture in the top right corner > Admin > Plans > Plan List to create your first Plan. If you already have at least one Plan created then use the + button in the upper right corner to create a new Plan.

Once you've determined who you want to target and what you want to sell, you'll be prompted to create your Plan and customize each element, from how much you want to charge to how you describe the Plan to a prospective buyer.

For a Paid Mighty Network (Network membership only - these Plans will appear on your landing page)

You will set up an External Individual Plan

  • To set up a new Plan, click on your profile picture in the top right corner > Admin > Plans > Plan List and click the “+” icon

  • For this option, you will want to be sure that the toggle is on or “included”.

For a Freemium Mighty Network- (Space membership only):

You will want to set up Internal Individual Plans or Internal Bundle Plans

  • These Plans will offer access to one Space or a bundle of Spaces.

  • Be sure that the Network is toggled off or “Excluded”.

  • You can add as many Spaces as you would like.

  • If you would like to market these Space Plans to prospective members, you can share the Plan landing page link which will prompt new members to sign up and existing members to log in and purchase. To learn more, check out this article.

  • If you are including Spaces that were previously public, private or secret then you will see a notification alerting you that the Spaces will now be Plan Access.

For a Plan Access Plus Plan Access Mighty Network - (Network and Space membership):

  • You can either keep Network membership and Space memberships on separate Plans.

  • Or you can choose to create External Bundle Plans that pair Network and Space membership in one.

Plan Name

Fill in the Name for the Plan in this first field. You can also add an Internal Note that will only be visible to Network Hosts.

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Image or Video

When you create a Plan, you'll see an option to add an image or video that will be visible at the top of your Plan page.

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Sales Pitch

This is a short tagline that appears alongside the Plan name. Use this space to share with members why they should buy this Plan. You are limited to 120 characters.


Benefits List

This list will highlight the benefits your members will receive when they purchase this Plan. We recommend adding at least three!



Once you've determined who you want to target and what you want to sell, you'll be prompted to create your Plan and customize each element, from how much you want to charge to how you describe the Plan to a prospective buyer.


Next, you will set up gates. This is where you will decide if you will take payments, create a token-gated Plan or set up a Plan that grants access without payment language.

Screening Questions and Approvals

When setting up a Plan on web or mobile, you will see the option to add Screening Questions and Approval from you as the Host.

You can toggle Screening Questions and Approvals independently, which means you can create a number of combinations:

  • Screening Questions only: The member would answer the questions and be allowed to purchase.

  • Approval only: The member would need approval in order to be allowed to purchase.

  • Screening Questions and Approval: The member would need to answer the questions and be approved in order to be allowed to purchase.

You can create up to five custom questions that potential members can answer before they are allowed to purchase.

For more information on Screening Questions and Approvals, check out this article.

Plans without Payment Language

You can also choose whether or not you will take payments.

Toggling off the payment gate will mean that members will skip the checkout step.

When they encounter the Plan, it will say “Access”

When they click the “Access” button and gain access to your Mighty Network.

These Plans are great for if you’re taking payments off platform or are wanting to bundle access to Spaces together in a single link.

If you would like to create a Plan that says “Free” you will need to keep the payment gate toggled on and proceed to the next page to configure the Plan.

To learn more, check out this article.

Web 3 Token-Gating

You can also gate access to your Mighty Network or Spaces by validating ownership of a specified token (along with the amount) through a connected crypto wallet. For more information on how to set up Token-Gated Plans, check out this article.


If you have decided to create a Plan, then you will move on to configure your payment gate.

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Pricing Type

There are three different types of pricing Plans you can set up:

  • One-Time Payment: A member will pay only once to gain access to what’s included in this Plan. They'll continue to get access as long as they have an active membership in your Mighty Network. The minimum amount you must charge is $0.50.

  • Subscription: You have the option to charge members a monthly subscription and an annual subscription, or select between a monthly and annual subscription. Members retain access to what’s included in this Plan as long as they continue paying for the subscription. When you offer both a monthly and annual subscription, we recommend giving members a small discount for choosing the annual option, and the savings will be clearly shown.

  • Free: A member will not be charged when they are on a free Plan, and they will be able to access the experiences this Plan grants access to as long as they remain on this Plan. They will not be prompted to enter a credit card or provide payment details.

Connect Stripe

To make sure you get paid, we process all payments through Stripe, a secure third-party payment processor. You'll need to create a Stripe account for each Mighty Network you set up. Here's more information about how to connect Stripe to your Mighty Network.


Select the platforms where this Plan will be available.

You have the option to make your Plan available on:

  • Web, Android, and iOS

  • Web and Android

  • iOS


  • If your Plan is set to free, you must select Web and iOS.

  • If a Space is Plan Access and does not have an iOS Plan, the Space will not be visible in the iOS App.

On Web

When you opt for your Plan to be available on web, you have the flexibility to charge up to $10,000 USD.

If you want to charge over $10,000 on Web, or over $999 on iOS, you can use an external payment system.

If you’ve chosen to sell Plans in multiple currencies you’ll need to add a price for each currency available in your network.

On iOS

When setting your price, you'll choose from a list of pre-set prices that end in $0.99 and max out at $999.

For your Plan to be sold as an iOS in-app purchase within the Mighty Networks iOS app, Apple has additional fees associated with all purchases, and you may want to take this into consideration when you price your iOS Plan. Apple also has a separate review process. Once your Plan is approved by Apple, you will receive an email notification. Though Apple approval timelines vary widely, your Plans will be available on web immediately!

For purchases made through the Mighty Networks iOS app, all payments are processed using Apple In-App Purchases and these are managed via the App Store. When a member buys through iOS, Apple’s standard policy requires that they take a 15% transaction fee per each transaction. Mighty Networks does not charge a transaction fee for any iOS purchases. Also keep in mind that when you create a new Plan and set up pricing for that Plan, you always have the option to increase the price only on iOS, as a way to offset Apple's required fees.

Important Note: Apple will automatically convert the currency depending on the user's location.

On Android

When you choose to sell paid Plans on the web, the Android app will display a message indicating that Plans are available and can be purchased on the mobile browser or desktop web.

What members will see in the Android app:


We have decided to not use Google Play Store's purchase system for the following reasons:

  1. Google will take 30% of your transactions.

  2. Google Play Store price points are very restrictive. For example, you cannot charge more than $400 USD vs. Apple's $999.99 USD upper limit.

Free Trial

You also have the option to add a free trial (more details here).


Choose a Tax Category

This determines which type of taxes your members will be charged. Learn more about each option here. For Hosts in the EU, check out this article for further information about taxes.


Payouts, Taxes, and Currency

Mighty Networks handles all payouts from Apple and will transfer money to you monthly. Apple also handles all taxes and applicable currency conversions. To learn more, you can check out this article.


Once you've filled out the steps above, you'll see a preview of how your new Plan will look to your members.

Finally, you’ll click the Create Plan button.

As soon as you create your new Plan, it will immediately be approved to sell on the Web. You can choose to keep this Plan Hidden and only invite members to purchase via a Share Link on the Web, or you can make it Visible so that anyone can purchase.

For your Plan to be sold as an iOS in-app purchase within the Mighty Networks iOS app, Apple has a separate review process. Once your Plan is approved by Apple, you will receive an email notification. While Apple approval timelines vary widely, you’ll be able to start selling on web.

To see more about how members purchase Plans and how Plans on iOS will appear to members before the lans are approved, check out this article.

How to Create a Share Link

Network Hosts can create share links to Plans by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner > Admin > Plans > Plan List and select the Plan you'd like to create a share link for.

Space Hosts can also create share links by going to the gear icon in the Space > Plans > Plans List.

Under the Share tab, click Create a Link:

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Once the share link has been generated, you'll see two share link options.

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Plan Landing Page - directs people to the landing page for the Plan:

Internal Plan BEIF.png

Plan Checkout Page - directs people to the checkout page for the Plan. If you have a monthly and annual price for a Plan, then you will see two checkout links.

To learn more about how to market External Plans, check out this article.

To learn about how to market your Internal Plans, check out this article.

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