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How Do I Manage All My Plans?
Updated over a month ago

Once you've created at least one plan in your Mighty Network that you want to sell, you'll be able to see a full-page view of all the plans you've created with options to manage and view each one.

To manage your plans, click on your profile picture in the top right corner > Admin > Plans > Plan List.

You can sort your plan list by many different criteria:

  • Plan Name (A to Z)

  • Plan Name (Z to A)

  • Date Created (Latest)

  • Date Created (Earliest)

  • Status (Visible will be listed first

  • Price (Low to High)

  • Price (High to Low)

  • # of Members (Low to High)

  • # of Members (High to Low)

The "Showing" filter will allow you to sort by additional criteria:


  • Visible

  • Hidden

  • Pending

  • Rejected (if you have iOS Plans)

  • Deactivated


  • External

  • Internal

Plan Type:

  • Bundle

  • Network

  • Space

Pricing Type:

  • Free

  • One-Time Payment

  • Subscription

  • Token Gated

  • Other

Managing Your Plans

Once you land on the Plans page in your Mighty Network, you'll see a full list view (with filters and sort options at the top!) of all of your plans.

On the right side of each plan, you'll find a three-dot menu that provides various options for managing the plan.

Here is what each of these options entails:

  • Invite to Plan: Invite by email, upload a CSV list, import contacts, or enter email addresses. Send the default invite message or edit it as needed.

  • View Income Report: Each Income Report includes Gross Revenue by Plan, Fees, and Net Revenue for a specific date range. Income Reports summarize past activity, including revenue received through Stripe and from Apple purchases.

  • Make Visible or Make Hidden: This option lets you make a plan Visible (if it's currently Hidden) or make a plan Hidden (if it's currently Visible).

    • A Hidden Plan is not available for anyone to purchase unless they have been invited to purchase it via a special Share Link. A great use case for this would be to offer things like discounts to a specific audience (something similar to a Coupon Code) or if you wanted to invite members in as VIPs.
      (Note: If a plan access Space has no Visible Plans associated with it for iOS, then that Space won’t appear at all when viewed on the iOS mobile app unless the plan associated with the Space is already purchased on a different platform.)

    • A Visible Plan is available for people to purchase. For External Plans, once your plan is visible it will be available for a non-member to purchase on your main Mighty Network's landing page. For any Internal Plans, this means that all members of your Mighty Network can see and purchase this plan.

  • Manage Spaces in Plan: This option will allow you to add or remove Spaces to a plan. To learn more, check out this article.

  • Deactivate Plan: Instead of deleting plans, we give you the opportunity to permanently deactivate plans. Deactivating a plan means this plan will no longer be available for anyone to purchase, and you will no longer be able to make changes to this plan or manage memberships associated with this plan. Deactivating a plan is permanent and cannot be undone. However, you can always create a new plan to replace one that you’ve deactivated. If instead you want to make a plan unavailable for new members to purchase, but you want to keep existing members on that plan, you can simply toggle a plan to be Hidden rather than deactivating it. When you do deactivate a plan, here are a few things that will happen, depending on the type of plan:

    • If the plan is free, all members on the plan will immediately lose access to the area (or areas) to which the plan grants access.

    • If the plan is a one-time payment, all members on the plan will retain access to the area (or areas) the plan grants access to as long as they are still active members of your overall Mighty Network.

    • If the plan includes a monthly or annual subscription, members on the plan will retain access to the area (or areas) the plan grants access to until the end of their current billing period. Important note: Any Members on a Free Trial will immediately lose access to the area (or areas) the plan grants access to.

    • If a plan is deactivated, members will receive a notification: "Your subscription to [Plan Name] has been canceled."

Deactivated Plans will, by default, be hidden from the Plan list. Hosts can display deactivated plans on their list by visiting the “Showing > Status” dropdown and checking the box next to the “Deactivated” option.

Managing Token-Gated Plans and Members

Token-Gated Plans appear along with other Plans on the Plan Details page.

Note: Members of Token-Gated Plans cannot currently be moved to another Plan.

To learn more about how your members purchase Token-Gated Plans, check out this article.

To learn how to set up Token-Gated Plans, check out this article.

Editing a Plan

When you click on a plan in the list view, you can see an expanded view of information about this plan, including who is on it, the plan information, and an option to create a Share Link for the plan.

Under the Members tab, you'll see each member's contact information, last date active, purchase date, the platform (web, iOS, or Android), payment status, next billing date, and subscribed date.

You can filter the list below Last Active, Member Name, and Date Created:

  • Pending - Approval

  • Pending - Payment

    • This could mean that members created an account and abandoned their cart before purchase. It could also be that they have Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)enabled on their card. They will need to contact their bank for approval.

    • Members will be listed as 'Pending - Payment' under the Plan's Member List until their payment is processed successfully. Currently, members with a 'Pending - Payment' status cannot be removed from the Plan's Member List unless the Plan itself is deactivated.

  • Pending - Answers

  • Free Trial

  • Active

  • Past Due

  • Canceled

There is also another filter option if you are using Screening Questions and Approvals on a Plan:

  • Have Answers

  • No Answers

If you need to search for a particular name, you can click into the search icon at the top of the list.

If you need to remove a member from a Plan, select the three dot settings next to their name > More > Remove from Plan.

remove plan.png

If you need to move a member from one Plan to another, then you can select that same three dot menu > Move to Plan. For more information, check out the article "Can I Move Members Between Plans in My Mighty Network?"

Settings Tab: Here, you'll find key details about your plan, including:

  • Platforms where the plan is available

  • Approval status

  • Trial period details

  • Tax category

  • Pricing information

  • Target audience

  • Membership benefits

Details Tab: This section allows you to edit specific aspects of your plan such as:

  • Plan Name

  • Sales Pitch

  • Featured image or video (for Bundle Plans)

  • Benefits List

  • Full Description (editable only for Bundle Plans)

Share Tab: Options for sharing your plan include:

  • For Internal Plans, a "Plan Landing Page Link" is provided.

  • For External Plans, you'll find both a "Plan Landing Page" link and a "Skip the Landing Page" link for direct access.

Plan Landing Page Link - Directs members to the plan's Landing Page.

External Plans: When you share the link for an External Plan (which includes Network Membership), prospective members are directed to a detailed page showing the benefits of the plan. Here, they can directly purchase access to your Mighty Network through a Network Membership Plan or an External Bundle Plan.

Internal Plans: Sharing the link for an Internal Plan (offering access to specific experiences within your Mighty Network) leads non-members to sign up for your Mighty Network first. Once signed up, they can then purchase the Internal Plan.

Private or Secret Networks: For private or secret networks, sharing any plan link acts as an invite, allowing immediate join without approval. After signing up, new members are directed to the main activity feed and then shown how to purchase the Internal Plan you've shared.

Skip the Landing Page - Directs members to the plan's checkout page.

For detailed instructions on inviting members to Visible or Hidden plans, click here.

Regenerating a Plan’s Share Link

To deactivate an existing Plan's Share Link and create a new one, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Plan's page within your Plan List.

  2. Select the "Share" tab.

  3. Choose "Delete All Links".

Important to Know:

  • The option to "Delete All Links" is only available for Hidden plans.

  • New plan links take at least one hour to activate. The old link remains functional until the new link is activated.

  • After the old link is deactivated and a new link is created, any attempts to use the old link will redirect users to your Network's Landing Page.

Important Note on Plan Changes

Managing, editing, or deactivating plans should ONLY be done inside your Mighty Network's Payments section. Managing plans in any way on your connected Stripe account is strictly prohibited. Here’s why: Changing plans within Stripe can have serious effects and may result in a complete loss of your subscribed members and the deletion of plans. You may still manage your payments and issue refunds to members through your Stripe account at any time.

If you have questions about how to move members between plans or edit your plans, please use the Host Help button in the bottom right corner of your Network to reach out to us.

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