When you upgrade to The Courses Plan and above you automatically unlock access to data about your members including their email addresses, profile information, Ambassador Program status, Space memberships within your Mighty Network, and much more.
The exportable member list is a detailed Excel spreadsheet (in .xlsx format) that you can download anytime for your Mighty Network, for an individual Space in which you are also a Host, and for each Plan you create if you choose to enable payments directly in your Mighty Network.
With this member data, you can expand what’s possible with your Mighty Network.
For example, you can upload your Mighty Network’s member data into an external CRM, add members to your email newsletter list, or measure the effectiveness of a Course by exporting data on member completion rates.
The information in your member list will help you build a broader picture of who your members are and how they are interacting within your Mighty Network.
To learn how to view and manage your Member List directly in your network, check out this article.
How to Access Your Member List
To download a full list of all members in your Mighty Network and their profile information, click on your profile picture in the top right corner > Admin > Members > Member List and click on the option to Download.
From here, you’ll be prompted to confirm that when you receive the link to download your member list you abide by our Terms of Use and agree to not sell or share your members’ contact information outside of communicating directly with them regarding their membership in your Mighty Network.
As soon as you confirm, we’ll trigger an up-to-date list that will be sent to the email address associated with your Host account. When you receive the email, just click on the link to download a current list of your members.
What’s Included in Your Member List
When you download a member list for your entire Mighty Network (or the “network” member list), you’ll see several columns included in the Excel file corresponding to each member. This data is organized so that you can quickly upload the information into another spreadsheet or external database.
Here are the columns that are included in the network member list:
Member ID
First Name
Last Name
Email address
Opted out of commercial emails: If this column has a Yes in it then that means that the member has opted out of receiving commercial emails.
Notification Method:
Email: email notifications toggled on
Push: mobile push notifications toggled on
All: both email and mobile push notifications are toggled on
None: neither mobile push or email notifications are toggled on
Email Frequency:
Daily: they have the "daily digest: toggled on
All: they have the "as activity happens" toggled on
Network Role
Time Zone
Full Location
One-Time Purchase Plans
Active Subscription Plans- this will show the interval (Free, Monthly, Annual) and not the name of the Plan.
Short Bio
Join Date (this is recorded based on UTC Time Zone)
Last Visited Network (this is recorded based on UTC Time Zone)
Signed In with Facebook
Signed In with LinkedIn
Signed In with Apple
Signed In with Password
Has iOS App
Has Android App
Welcome Checklist Completed
Space Memberships
Members Referred
Referrer Email
Referrer Name
Referrer ID
Avatar URL
If your Mighty Network is set to Private (but not to Public, Plan Access, or Secret), you can add a series of questions for non-members to fill out before they are invited to join. The answers to these questions show up both on your member “Request to Join” page in your Mighty Network, as well as in your member list. You’ll see these answers in the second tab of your network member list:
First Name
Last Name
Date Requested
Question 1
Answer 1
Question 2
Answer 2
… and we’ll add additional columns with answers here to cover each of the questions you set up!
What’s Included in the Space Member List
If you are also the Host of a Space within your Mighty Network, you can select to download a member list that’s specific to that Space.
Important note: You will need to be a Network Host and a Space Host to be able to download the member list. For example, if you are a Space Host and a Network member, then you will not be able to download the member list for the Space.
To download a Space member list, just navigate to the Settings page within that Space and then select Members. From there, you can just tap or click on the option to Download Member List.
There are separate lists for the Mighty Network and each Space to make sharing this information easier.
Within a Space member list that has a Course feature enabled, you’ll see these columns with data for each member:
Member ID
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Date Joined Course (this is recorded based on UTC Time Zone)
Last Visited Course (this is recorded based on UTC Time Zone)
Course Completion %
Last Completed Lesson
Last Viewed Lesson
Within a Space member list, you’ll see these columns with data for each member:
Member ID
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Date Joined Space (this is recorded based on UTC Time Zone)
Last Visited Space (this is recorded based on UTC Time Zone)
For Private Spaces, you'll see these fields in the second tab of your Space Member List:
Member ID
First Name
Last Name
Date Requested
What’s Included in the Plan Member List
Lastly, if you are a Network Host of a network with Plans, you can download a member list that’s specific to a paid plan. This member list will allow you to see on a more granular level who purchased a particular plan, when and how they purchased the plan, and when their next billing date is (if applicable).
To download a list of members who have purchased or subscribed to a particular plan, click on your profile picture in the top right corner > Admin > Plans > Plan List. In the list view of all plans, select the three-dot menu next to a Plan and choose the option to Download Member List.
Within the plan member list, these are two tabs: Plan Members and Screening Question Responses.
Plan Members Tab:
Member ID
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Date Paid (this is recorded based on UTC Time Zone)
Last Visited Network (this is recorded based on UTC Time Zone)
Platform Purchased
Payment Status
Plan Interval
End of Billing Period
Date Canceled (this is recorded based on UTC Time Zone)
Wallet information, if using Token-Gated Plans.
Screening Questions Responses:
First Name
Last Name
Payment Status- this shows what step the member is in the process
Pending - Approval
Pending - Payment
Pending - Answers
Free Trial
Pending Move
Past Due
Question 1
Answer 1
Question 2
Answer 2
… and we’ll add additional columns with answers here to cover each of the questions you set up!
These member lists seek to reinforce that your members are yours, and we encourage you to back up your member data in the best ways and systems for you.