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How Do I Embed Videos, Audio Files, Rich Media to My Mighty Network?
Updated this week

Coming Early August 2024: Embed & Extend Your Mighty Network

Radically expand the features of your Mighty Network by embedding ~2000 services that look great on web, iOS and Android.

You will soon be able to place URLs or code snippets directly in Articles, Events, Courses and Pages to bring additional features and functionality into your Mighty Network.

Our embeds will support a wide range of providers, including video, audio, photos, images, slideshows, playlists, podcasts, maps, 3D content, forms, documents, puzzles, quizzes, graphs, infographics, and more!

A few examples (final list subject to change):

  • Calendly: Embed your booking details, perfect for Hosts who offer 1:1 coaching sessions.

  • Canva: Design stunning content and embed it directly on your welcome page. Update it in Canva and it automatically updates on your Mighty Network!

  • Amazon Books: Link to and promote your favorite books.

  • Google Docs: Embed documents directly into your Mighty Network.

  • And so many more!

Embed Options Available Today

Embedding Video

For all Hosts, we also support embedding videos directly from the services below.

We also support native video uploads (not hosted on YouTube, Vimeo etc...) in your Mighty Network as well.

For Quick Posts, simply paste the videoโ€™s URL into the text area, then press Enter to automatically display the embedded version:


For an Article, an Event, or the materials inside of the Table of Contents, you can embed video directly by using the "Add Video" option when you open up the + button. Copy the full URL where the video is hosted (not the full embed code), paste it into the field where you see "Video URL," and add an optional thumbnail. The video will then be embedded directly into your content, and members can watch it without leaving your Mighty Network. Note: You can embed YouTube videos set to Unlisted but not Private.

Note that vertically filmed videos will show an automatically zoomed-in horizontal thumbnail and grainy thumbnails will not be recognized. If your YouTube thumbnail is not displaying please go back to your YouTube video settings and ensure you're following their recommended specs (1280 pixels by 720 pixels).

To force closed captioning to play on your YouTube-embedded videos, you will need to add a tag at the bottom of your video in your YouTube settings.

Login to your YouTube account and open YouTube Studio. On the left menu, click Content > select the specific video. Click the pencil icon to edit details > scroll to the end until you see "Show More", scroll and you'll see the tag section, add the attribute yt:cc=on, and click Save.

If you have multiple caption options on the same video, the ability to switch between those options won't be available when you embed the video into the platform. The video will only display the first language option.

Please note that closed captioning does not work on iOS for YouTube videos due to restrictions with Apple.


In addition, you have the option to integrate a live video feed directly into your content by embedding a URL from platforms such as YouTube Live or Vimeo Live. For detailed guidance on setting up a live stream via Vimeo, click here.

Here's a preview of how to embed videos hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, or Searchie:

One important note for videos hosted on Vimeo: If you are embedding private videos hosted on Vimeo, there is one additional step you'll need to take to ensure that your videos play both on the web and within the Mighty Networks iOS and Android apps.

When you are adjusting the privacy settings for each video on, you must select the privacy setting "Hide from Vimeo" and then add the option for the video to be embedded to "Specific domains". Then, you need to add the custom domain mapped URL for your Mighty Network AND "" as the second approved domain. If you do not have "" listed, the Vimeo video will not play in the mobile apps.

You will also need to select the setting to be "Fixed" and not "Responsiveness"

Currently, showcases (playlists) can not be embedded as they are not supported.

Here is an example showing how this was set up for a video that was embedded into Mighty Community:


Here's a preview of what a Searchie video looks like in a Course Lesson showing how transcriptions appear:


One important note for videos hosted on Searchie: Searchie does not have an API that enables course progress tracking, so if you want to enable course progress tracking, use our native video upload or YouTube. At the moment, we also do not support widgets being embedded.

โ€‹๐ŸŽฅ Wistia, Loom, Dailymotion, or Rutube

For these services listed above, you can embed video directly by using the "Insert Embed" option when you open up the + button while creating or editing an Article, an Event, or the materials inside a Table of Contents.

Just copy the video URL (not the full embed code) where it's hosted, paste it into the box, and the video will be embedded directly in your content.

Here's a preview of how to embed a video hosted on Loom:

Please note that closed captioning does not work on iOS for Loom videos due to restrictions with Apple.

Embedding Audio

Currently Supported Services:
While it's not possible yet to upload sound or audio files directly to your Mighty Network for playback, you can embed audio files hosted on Spotify, SoundCloud, Audioboom, Podbean, Captivate, or Flat. To embed audio:

  1. Click the + button while creating or editing an Article, an Event, or materials inside a Table of Contents.

  2. Choose Insert Embed.

  3. Paste the full embed code of the audio file into the box. This allows members to listen directly without leaving your Mighty Network.

Note: Different services may require either the embed code or a share link. If one method fails, try the other. For support, contact our Advocacy Team with the URL of the audio file by clicking the "Need Help?" button at the bottom right corner of your account on a web browser or emailing

Embedding Music Playlists

  • Spotify only allows 30-second previews of songs in embeds; full tracks are intended to be played via their app for a complete listening experience.

  • You can embed full songs and playlists. Note that playlists will display only the banner image and name, not a list of tracks. Users can explore the playlist in SoundCloud by clicking on it.

  • While we do not support embedding YouTube playlists directly, you can embed individual YouTube video links for full song playback.

Technical Note for SoundCloud:

  • Always use the full embed code, not just the link, to ensure proper functionality.

Here's a preview of how to embed audio hosted on Soundcloud:

๐ŸŽ™ .MP3 Audio Files

You can also embed audio .mp3 files hosted on services like Amazon S3. For this option, just use the "Insert Embed" option when you open up the + button while creating or editing an Article, an Event, or the materials inside a Table of Contents.

Copy the full link for the .mp3 audio file where it's hosted, paste it into the box, and the audio file will be embedded directly in your content.

Embedding Google Maps

  1. Search for the location in the upper left corner

  2. Click on the location you'd like to embed in your Mighty Network Article

  3. Click the 'Share' icon

  4. From the sharing options, choose 'Embed a Map'

  5. Select your preferred map size and then click 'COPY HTML'


In your Mighty Network:

  1. Open the Article where you want to embed the map

  2. Click inside the body of the article

  3. Click the '+' icon

  4. Choose the 'Embed' symbol

  5. Paste the HTML code from Google Maps

chrome-capture-2023-9-25 (1).gif

Note: Maps created using Google's Custom Maps feature cannot be embedded.

Additional Supported Embeds

For the services listed below, you can embed these items directly by using the "Insert Embed" option when you open up the + button while creating or editing an Article, an Event, or the materials inside a Table of Contents.

***Note: For Typeform you only need to paste in the URL of the actual form, not the entire embed code. Customized Typeform links are not supported, please use the default link provided on the Typeform Share Page.

If you would like to add a Quiz to your Table of Contents feature, you can now do so natively. Check out this article to learn more.

***Note: You can embed a Google Slide presentation by opening up your slides and going to File -> Share -> Publish to Web -> Grab the Embed code -> Insert Embed into the Article, Event, or Lesson.

We do not integrate with Google Forms at this time, but you can embed a hyperlink to a Google Form in a Quick Post, Article, or Lesson.

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