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How Do I Post a Livestream Replay?
Updated over 3 months ago

It's easy!

If you choose to record your livestream, you will receive an email and in-app notification when it’s ready.

Clicking on the notification will take you to the replay, or you can go to your profile icon and select “Livestream Recordings”.

In the Livestream Recording menu are two filters: "All" and "Yours."

"Yours" shows a list of your recordings with the most recent at the top.

"All" shows you all recordings, including those created by other Network Hosts.

You can play the video to preview it before posting. Your recordings will also have an automatic thumbnail image applied. If you want to change this you can do so after the recording is added to a post.

To download the recording to your computer, click on the “↓ Download” button. You can only delete recordings on web and mobile web.

Click on the three dot menu in the lower right corner to download a timestamped list of all chat messages.

If you don't need to edit the recording before posting, select "Create Article". This creates an Article with the replay embedded in it.

You will only be able to post the Article on web and mobile web.

Select the Space you want the Article to appear in. Articles must be enabled in the Space you would like the replay and you will need permission to post to that Space.

If you download your recording, you can also upload it to a Space with the Table of Contents feature enabled and use Sections and Lessons to create a replay library.

To upload your recording, click the + button to “Add Photo, Video, or File” and select your .mp4 file for upload.

While your recording is uploading, we recommend writing an overview of the livestream and sharing any links to relevant materials or next steps.

You can also upload the chat transcript and/or the presenter’s slide deck as file attachments.

When the video is done processing, you can add a custom thumbnail to your video. If you choose not to upload a thumbnail, then the video will appear as a black frame with a play button.

Pro Tip: Want to make your livestream even more engaging? Learn how to add special effects to your livestream to captivate your audience!

Be sure to feature your Article in the Feed after you've posted it!

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