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What's Mighty Networks Privacy Policy?
What's Mighty Networks Privacy Policy?
Updated over 2 months ago

At Mighty Networks, we take privacy and data security very seriously, and we have done extensive work to ensure that your Mighty Network is GDPR and CCPA-compliant and that your data (and your members' data) is stored securely.

Our Privacy Promise

Hosts have complete control over the content they add and the information they share within their own Mighty Network. We do not censor content or remove content, provided you and your members are participating within our Terms of Use.

You may also add your own Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, or Community Guidelines as the third policy for your members to agree with when they create accounts. Send us a note via Host Help with the URL link to your additional guidelines, your Mighty Network URL, and the title you want to appear in 30 characters or less. We'll get it added in a day.

As the Host of a Mighty Network, you have the ability to choose the privacy settings you want to enable for your community. Communities that are private, secret, or plan access are completely locked down and non-members (including search engines) cannot see the content, memberships, and conversations inside your Mighty Network.

If you choose to make your Mighty Network private or secret, only members with an invite will be able to join. You as the Host of your community also have the power to remove a member or ban them at any point.

Mighty Networks and Your Members

Mighty Networks will never email your members with any marketing communications outside of the notifications they opt into that come from your community when they join. If there are notable changes to the Mighty Networks Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, members will receive an email notification from Mighty Networks.

Occasionally, you as a Host may receive communications from our team about feature updates and announcements, but those emails will only go out to folks who are Hosts and creators of their own Mighty Networks. Only you as the Host (or anyone else on your team who is listed as a Host) should be getting those emails.

Mighty Networks Policies

Please visit this page to view our policies and terms of use documents.

Questions About Data Security?

Check out our Data Security at Mighty Networks FAQs. This overview offers answers to common questions about Mighty Networks' security.

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