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How Do I Build a Course in My Mighty Network?
Updated over 2 weeks ago

3 Quick Steps to Get Started

On the Courses plan and up, you will have access to the Table of Contents feature where you can build your Course.

First, you will want to create a Space and select a Course template.

A Cohort Course Template will include the features:

  • Course Community (Feed Feature)

  • Course Materials (Table of Contents Feature)

  • Discovery

  • Members

A Content Course Template will include the features:

  • Course Materials (Table of Contents Feature)

  • Members

By default, a new Space is set to Secret and your Table of Contents – the Overview, Lessons, and Sections – are set to Hidden. This lets you create your Course privately and share them when you're ready.

When you first create your new Course Space, you'll choose your Space Name, Tagline, Collection it will live in and Privacy Level.

After you select "Create Space", you'll be prompted with three options:

  1. Charge for Access

  2. Invite People to Join

  3. View the Course

Go to View this Space to add your Course Materials and adjust your Course Settings.

As you build your course, keep in mind that members can bookmark individual Sections, Lessons, and Quizzes directly from the Table of Contents.

Add Your Course Materials

You have four content types to build your Course in the Table of Contents feature:

To learn how to manage these, check out:

Adjust Your Course Settings

You can tweak your Course Settings at any time. Here's a quick overview of some of your options:

Preview the Table of Contents

You can display your Table of Contents to people not yet in your Course. You can also preview Lessons or Sections. This will give people a sense of what material the Course offers. You can also allow previewing of Lesson or Section content by going to each Lesson or Section Settings page. The preview will be available regardless of the privacy setting of the Course: private, plan access etc...

Privacy and Invites

You can change the privacy level of your Course from secret (the default) to public, private or plan access, which means you charge for access.

Note that your Mighty Network's overall privacy governs the visibility of any Course or Space within it. For example, if your Mighty Network is private, a public Course will only be public to members of the private Network.

You can also choose to have only Hosts and Moderators invite people to your Course or enable all members to invite. By default, all members can invite.

Invite and Manage Course Members

You have the same Course Member management features that you have in your main Mighty Network. From seeing all members to welcoming and messaging members, and downloading your Course member list. Go to the gear icon > Members.

To invite or manage Course members, see our article on invites.

Charge for Access

Lastly, you can set up the option to charge for access to your Course by going to the Space gear icon > Plans > Plan List > + icon in the upper right corner. Check out this article to learn how to set up Plans.

If You're Starting From Scratch, Use a Live Course

If you're creating your first Course, don't worry about not having enough Course content or materials to get started.

There's a better solution built right into your Course.

Simply turn on the Feed feature as your main Course page, invite in a handful of students, and run your first Course "live."

Your Live Course has a simple structure. Each week, you take students through:

  1. A Topic (shared in a live video session via Zoom or Crowdcast)

  2. A Case Study (an example of the topic being applied)

  3. A Challenge (giving your students a challenge for the week)

  4. A Result (getting your students a result each week)

That's it. That's the Course.

You don't need months of proven Course materials with this approach. And your students will love it.

You can start with as few as 5 or 10 people and add your Lesson or Section at the end of the week with video replays from the sessions you run.

Want a great Course example?
Explore our own Community Design!

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