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How Do I Schedule a Livestream Event?
Updated over a week ago

Scheduling a livestream Event on your Mighty Network is a fantastic way to engage your members!

Create Your Event

Select the Create button > Event inside of a Space.

Give your Event a title that resonates with the theme of the livestream. Then upload a banner and thumbnail images and write a description for the Event.

Under the "Event Type" pick the “Live Video” option

You can leave the “Link to Your Live Video” blank or you can add in the url for the Space where you will be going live.

Set the time for your livestream Event.

When you start the livestream, you will select the option to “Add livestream link to Event”, on the "Ready to Go?" page.


Select that box and you will see a dropdown menu for all the "Live Video" Events happening either 20 minutes before or after your livestream.

When you click on the relevant Event in the dropdown, the direct livestream link then automatically appear in the “Live Video” hyperlink on the Event page. Any Network Host that's a Host in the Space where the live is scheduled, can start the livestream Event.

Note: Meeting, Webinar, and Zoom Events will not show in the dropdown.

By following these steps, you're not just organizing a great live Event; you're setting the stage for an engaging and exhilarating live experience on your Mighty Network!

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