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Is There Chat During My Mighty Network Livestreams?
Updated over 4 months ago

Yes, check it out! 👇


Not only can your members comment, but they can also use emojis! 🙌

It also works well on mobile—they’ll see the livestream and the chat will overlay softly onto the bottom of the screen.

We’ve had over 800 people in a livestream in Mighty Community and the chat was flying, beautifully and seamlessly. And yes, you will see “several members are typing…”

When members are mentioned in the livestream chat for the livestream, if they are in the chat, they will see their name highlighted. If they aren’t in the livestream, they will receive a notification to prompt them to join!

Pro Tip: Want to add a bit more flair to your livestreams? Learn how to add special effects to your livestream to make your broadcasts even more engaging!

You can also download the chat by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner > Livestream Recordings and selecting the three-dot menu next to the recording.

Select Download Chat Transcript to download the TXT file.

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