It’s easy! Network Hosts and Network moderators on the Courses Plan and up will have access to unlimited Tags and Badges on web and mobile.
Tags are internal facing only and can be used to categorize and segment your members. For example, this could be used to notate members that are at risk of churning, potential mentor candidates and more. The members assigned the Tags will not be able to see them, these are just for internal segmenting.
To create or manage Tags navigate to Admin > Members > Tags
This will lead to a Settings page where you can toggle on or off and manage the feature.
If the features is not toggled on, then they won’t be visible anywhere on the platform, even to you and your fellow Network Hosts and Network moderators.
Creating a New Tag
Network Hosts and Network moderators can create a new Tag by typing in the Tag name and selecting “Create” in the top bar. The limit for the name is 40 characters.
Adding Tags to Members
A Tag can be added to an unlimited number of members. Any role can be assigned a Tag: Host, moderator, or member. Members cannot be tagged with the same Tag twice at the same time.
Once a Tag is created, it can be added to members in the following ways:
From the Manage Tags Page, click “Add Tag to Members” from the three-dot menu next to the Tag.
From the Network and Space Member List, you can select specific members or select all and then choose a bulk action to “Add Tags”
Note: Your role will need to be a Network Host and/or Network moderator as well as a Space Host and/or Space moderator of a Space in order to see the options to add Tags in the bulk action list.
You can also click “Add Tag” from the three-dot menu next to a member to Add a Tag to that specific member.
From a Member Detail Page, click the “+” icon under Tags
From a Member Profile, click “Add Tag” from the three-dot menu in the upper right corner.
Removing Tags
To remove a Tag, from the Network Member List, select a specific member (or select all) choose bulk actions > Remove Badge
You can remove Tags by navigating to the Member Detail Page by scrolling over the Tag and selecting the "x".
Managing Tags
These actions appear in the three-dot menu next to each Tag:
Edit Tag
See Members
Add Tag to Members
Delete Tag
See Members will show a list of all people with that Tag.
Edit Tag allows editing of the Tag Name and Tag Description. You can add more members to the Tag with “Add Tag to Members” and delete the Tag as well.
Where Tags Appear
Tags show on the Member Detail Page, visible only to Network Hosts and moderators.
Badges can be assigned to anyone and are visible to everyone in the Mighty Network. They can be used to celebrate member milestones, achievements and actions. For example, you could create a Badge for the completion of a Course, referring the most members that month…etc. The sky’s the limit on what you can use them for!
Creating a New Badge
Navigate to Admin > Members > Badges
This will lead to a Settings page where you can toggle on or off and manage the feature.
If the features is not toggled on, then they won’t be visible anywhere on the platform, even to you and your fellow Network Hosts and Network moderators.
Click “Create Badge” and enter:
Badge Name - 40 character limit
Badge Description- 75 character limit
Badge Image- optimal size is 256x256 pixels and it will be resized to 24x24 pixels at its smallest in your Network. Note: a Badge must have an image in order to be created.
Want some help designing your new Badges?
You can click "Suggestions" for an AI generated image that is based on your Badge Name and Badge Description.
Want to design your own?
Check out our Canva Badge Template which makes creating them a breeze!
For a quick tutorial on how to create Badges, check out the video below!
Adding Badges to Members
A Badge can be added to an unlimited number of members. Any role can be assigned a Badge: Host, moderator, or member. They will receive email, in-app and mobile push notifications (if enabled) that they were awarded a Badge.
Once a Badge is created, it can be added to members in the following ways:
From the Manage Badges Page, click “Add Badge to Members” from the three-dot menu next to the Badge.
From the Network and Space Member List, you can select specific members or select all and then choose a bulk action to “Add Badge”.
Note: Your role will need to be a Network Host and/or Network moderator as well as a Space Host and/or Space moderator of a Space in order to see the option for bulk action options on the Space member list.
You can also click “Add Badge” from the three-dot menu next to a member to add a Badge to that specific member.
From a Member Detail Page, click the “+” icon under Badges
From a Member Profile, click “Add Badge” from the three-dot menu in the upper right corner.
Removing Badges
To remove a Badge, from the Network Member List, select a specific member (or select all) choose bulk actions > Remove Badge
You can also remove Badges by navigating to the Member Detail Page by scrolling over the Badge and selecting the "x".
Managing Badges
These actions appear in the three-dot menu next to each Badge:
Edit Badge
See Members
Add Badge to Members
Delete Badge
You can add more members to the Badge with “Add Badge to Members” and delete the Badge as well.
Viewing Member Badges
Badges show on Member Profiles. On a member’s profile we will show up to 15 Badges that have been assigned to them.
If a member has more than 15 Badges, clicking the More menu shows a full list of the Badges.
Clicking on a Badge shows a modal with the Badge name, description, and how many members have the Badge.
Selecting “See 7 members” will show you a list of the members with that Badge. On web, you can filter the list by Top, Near You, Newest and Online.
You can also search for the Badge name in the search bar and see results for that Badge
You can also create Automation workflows where you can add Tags and Badges to members if they complete an action in your Mighty Network.
To learn more, check out this article.