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What is Mighty Community?
Updated over 6 months ago

Mighty Community is the world’s largest free community for people building community, memberships, and courses. And it’s awesome.

It’s full of free and great resources (like our 1,000 Question Library full of questions you can copy and paste into your community for maximum engagement), live events, updates on our product roadmap, and first dibs on our Courses, Challenges, and other premium programs.

You can learn more about Mighty Community with this quick video tour.

After you have gotten the tour, be sure to check out our 7 Day Build a Mighty Network Challenge. It's a great place for newcomers to Mighty Networks.

By joining this community, you’ll also have a front-row seat to the latest in Community Design™. This is our ground-breaking framework for how to create a thriving community that’s so valuable you can charge for it, and so well-designed it practically runs itself. Over 8000 people have been through a version of our Community Design™ training and we’re constantly expanding on it and offering new opportunities to learn.

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