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How Do I Create Polls & Questions In My Mighty Network?
How Do I Create Polls & Questions In My Mighty Network?
Updated over 5 months ago

Polls and Questions are the fastest way to quickly get members engaged. Your Mighty Network has a question feature as well as three different polls: a Multiple Choice Poll, a "Hot Cold" Poll, and a "Percentage" Poll.

You may post Polls and Questions on The Community Plan or higher. Polls can be created on a web browser, iOS, or Android.


Enable Polls and Questions

On The Community or higher, you can create Polls and Questions in any Space where you have the Feed feature enabled.

You can choose to let Everyone create Polls and Questions or limit it to just Hosts and Moderators.

Once enabled, the option to add a Question or a Poll is available on the Create menu in the upper right corner of the Space.

You can also add a new Question or Poll directly from the post input field at the top of the Global Feed feature.

Once you open the field, you'll see the option to post to a Space.

How a Question is Displayed

When you add a Question, it's posted to Feed inside of the Space as well as the Global Feed.


To make it easier and faster for you to be successful in creating and growing your thriving community, created our Free Guide to 1,000 Great Community Questions. In it, we offer:

  • Our top 10 Questions that work in any community
    Four qualities that almost all great questions have
    The FCS formula (fast, constrained, specific)

  • 50 Unlocking Phrases

  • And 1,000 Great Community Questions that you can copy and paste into your community!

Infinite Question Engine

What’s better than one fantastic question?
An endless supply of relevant questions that use a proven formula to post questions and engage your members. The Infinite Question Engine offers an endless supply of questions and polls tailored to your community or course.

This feature (available to the Business Plans and up) generates a list of polls and questions from the Space Description or, if you don’t have a Space Description, your Network’s Big Purpose and allows you to put member engagement on cruise control.

Check out the feature in action!

Multiple Choice Polls

To add a Multiple Choice, Hot Cold, or Percentage Poll when you're on the web, just select the option to add a poll from the post input field. Then, select the poll type you want to use. For Multiple Choice polls, you can add up to five answers.

Multiple Choice Polls also allows for Public Responses, which allow all members in the Space where the poll was added to see how other members voted after they vote. Check the box “Public Responses” to turn this on.


When you're done, other members are invited to contribute their experience.


As more members answer your poll, you can see how you compare to to the rest of the Network.


If you turned on Public Responses, Members can click any response after they vote, and see which Members chose that response.

After a multiple-choice poll is posted, only the question can be edited. You cannot edit the multiple-choice options once the poll is scheduled or has gone live. This is to ensure that members who have already selected an answer do not have their answer changed to something they didn't initially select.

Hot Cold Polls

Hot Cold polls are used to ask questions with answers that land across a positive or negative spectrum. To add a Hot Cold poll, change the poll type to “Hot Cold” from the dropdown menu.

Hot Cold polls show up in the feed as a bar, where members can choose their answer on a negative-to-positive scale.

Percentage Polls

Hosts and members also have the ability to create Percentage polls on the web. To add a Percentage poll, just select “Percentage” from the poll dropdown menu.

How to See Poll Results as a Host

If you're a network Host and you're viewing your Mighty Network on the web, you can see the overall poll results without answering the poll first as yourself.

To view poll results before answering a poll, open up the full detail view of the poll and click on the circle with a checkmark inside of it that sits in the upper right corner of the poll. After you click on this, you will be able to see the results of the poll.


There is currently no option for exporting poll answers as a Host or accessing individual poll answers from each member.

Bookmark Poll and Mute Poll

When you click on the 3-dot menu on the upper right corner of your poll, you'll see the option to Bookmark Poll or Mute Poll.

  • The Bookmark Poll option will save that poll to your personal Bookmarks list that you can reference later on.

  • The Mute Poll option will pause any future notifications you receive about that specific poll (such as when additional people add comments, etc.).

Polls & Questions Data

Curious about Poll and Question engagement in your Network? Check out the Feed Contributions chart in Mighty Insights.

A Few Other Details

Hosts can add an unlimited number of polls. Members are limited to one every hour. This is to ensure that any one member doesn't get too enthusiastic with new questions and overwhelms the experience for everyone.

Polls and Questions are limited to 190 characters.

When a poll or question takes off and starts trending, it will surface to more members.

You cannot remove or change an answer to a Poll.

Polls cannot be closed once published.

The color of the poll will be the color you choose for the Space. The text color will change between dark and light to accommodate whether the space's color is light or dark.

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