This is an easy place to get stuck. But have no fear! We’ve got you covered.
Click on your profile picture in the top right corner > Admin > Basics.
First, choose a name, tagline and description for your community. You will find buttons that say, "Suggestions".
This is part of our AI features that will help you with naming, branding, and more!
All you need to do is fill out your Big Purpose and we can help with suggestions for the rest of your community set up.
If you haven't started a Mighty Network yet, then you can also automatically generate a random name right in the product sign-up flow.
We’ve seen some gems come out of that process—and it’s a reminder that you can always change your name. You don’t have to have it ready to go before you start your free trial.
On this page, you can also set up:
Visible Member Count
Toggling this off will not show the member count on your Network about page and on any plans that include the Network.
Companion Website
If you have another website that you want to link here, it will show in your Network about page.
You can add a physical location for your Network here.