When you create your Mighty Network, you have the opportunity to customize the mn.co subdomain that gets automatically created with your new community. Your subdomain will be the way that people can access your Mighty Network on the web.
How to Update Your Subdomain
To change the subdomain for your Mighty Network, click on your profile picture in the top right corner > Admin > Integrations > Custom Network Domain From there, select Your Mighty Subdomain to change the subdomain for your Mighty Network.
Click on "Edit Subdomain" on the next screen to change the subdomain that people use to access your Mighty Network on the web. If you do not see an Edit button, send a note via the 'Need Help?' button in the bottom right corner of your account and we’ll get it updated for you.
One important note: When you change the subdomain for your Mighty Network, this will cause any saved links or bookmarks that are already out there to no longer work. We recommend only updating your subdomain once while you are getting things set up, and using a custom domain if you want your old links to continue working.
On the same General Settings page, you can also edit the name of your Mighty Network, edit the tagline and description for your Mighty Network, and change your privacy settings.